Impacts of World Wars ( WW1, WW2) on Indian politics

Hammad Ali
5 min readMay 31, 2021


We are all well aware of the fact that wars not only affect the economy and masses of a state but they also bring political changes in the region. Similarly, the World Wars have been an important catalyst in the 20th century’s political changes and changed the world politics. The Indian politics shifted after the WW2 with an equal impact on Indian provincial politics. The World Wars brought a lot of political changes in the world making almost 40 independent states. The most striking is the independence of Pakistan and India due to which the imperial era came to an end after the World War 2. We can even say that if the World War 2 had not happened, the British would have not left the sub-continent.

World War1 was quite a difficult phase for the Indians as the economic and political system of the country deteriorated till the war continued. When the war broke out, India was in a state of growing political unrest, that’s why the war also played a great role in arising Indian nationalism. This war impacted the masses negatively and their condition became worse economically and socially as well which agitated them against the British who were ruling India at that time. Forced recruitment of Indian villagers in British Army arose anti- government feelings as they were not even consulted before being declared the ally.

Political turbulences increased during war with great revolutionary activities especially Ghadar movement gained more power against the British to gain Indian independence. Indian Bengal and Punjab were the hotbeds in the anti-imperial activities and the sense of Indian nationalism arose. Lucknow pact also created mutual accommodation between Muslim League and Congress. Gandhi arose as a leader of the nationalist movement during WW1. To overcome this anti government propaganda, the British responded with repressive measures that had legal standing through the Defence of India which was passed in 1915. The Indian Muslims started Khilafat movement in order to protect the Turkish Khilafat during WW1against the British first which created political consciousness among the Muslims.

After the World War1 ended, the pre-war nationalist movement had revived and they demanded the reward of their enormous services for the British during war in the form of self-rule but the British did not agree to it which led to political instability. As the political situation was getting worst in India, there was introduction of suppressive Rowlatt Act in March 1919. Its purpose was to indefinitely extend the war time restrictions on the civil liberty. The positive impact of 1917 reforms was undermined due to this act. The unarmed crowds were shoot down. Political unrest arose due to these activities.

The impact of war was in the form of diverse political responses. Overall the war was crucial in changing the political climate with the resulting political consciousness in Indians including the former soldiers. It led them to think about the complete independence from the British. Non-cooperation movement started in India and the people started to Boycott the British products. After rejection in Simon commission, Nehru presented his reform proposal and in reaction were the Quid’s fourteen points. The civil disobedience movement was also there.

Meanwhile, the Second World War broke out in 1939 and again the Indian opinion was not sought by the British. The Indian wanted independent Indian government which was unacceptable to the British. So, Congress resigned as a protest started disobedience movement as an antiwar campaign. They started Satyagraha movement due to which almost 25000 people were in jail within six months. Lahore resolution was also passed in 1940. Muslim League however unlike Congress supported the British in war. During WW2, many countries alliance was against fascism and they pressurized the British to concede the demands of the Indian people. As a result, Sir Stafford Cripps came to India in 1942 to talk with Indian leaders on this issue which could not be succeeded because the British did not want to lose the control.

Gandhi started Quit India movement. After passing resolution to quit British rule, Congress was banned and the leaders were pushed behind the bars. The great famine of Bengal in 1943 also created bitterness among the Indians for the British. Shimla conference also failed to resolve the issue. Pressure on the British was arising day by day. America decided to help the British on the one of the stances of Indian independence and allied powers stood for freedom and democracy. So, after the end of World War 2, Labour Party which came in power unbanned Congress and announced elections in India as a result of allied forces pressure. Muslim League participated in election as referendum and succeeded in doing so. Cabinet Mission plan was also sent to the united India in order to control the situation but it also failed to settle down the issues. After this a temporary government was introduced.

The economic and political forces released by the war catalyzed the political trends especially in Sub-continent. As the result of World War 2, the people around the world developed bitterness for imperialism and the same sense arose in the Indians. They stood for equality, rights and independence more than ever. They believed that Indian independence will improve their economic condition. The Indians were also struggling for independence with the passion more than ever. On the other hand, the British also exhausted economically and did not have resources and energy to hold the colonies as big as India. And they could not be able to spend more money in containing these agitations.

In response to all these political and economic issues and pressure, the British at last announced in February 1947 that India will be given independence by June 1948 and Lord Maunt Batten was appointed the viceroy who dealt with the situation and devised a plan of 3rd June, 1947. According to this plan the united India was dissolved as two independent states of Pakistan and India with full control in their hands. Pakistan got independence on 14th August 1947 and India the day after on 15th August.

To conclude, I think it was the World Wars that brought a lot of political changes in the sub-continent with the end of imperial era and decolonization of United India. It may not be possible without the happening of the World War 2 and we would have seen 21st century with imperialism still going on especially in India.

