How to build confidence in children?

Hammad Ali
4 min readMay 31, 2021

How to build confidence in children?

Self-confidence is basically our thinking about ourselves. Confidence is a magical instrument that you need to have to get through any situation. If you are confident, you can do everything; nothing in this world is impossible.

Different people have different reasons for their low confidence level. But the most disastrous one is extremely critical parents. Moreover, poor academic record, restrictions at home and poor economic condition also play their role in this matter.


-Tom Hopkin

But how to build confidence?What to do to make the child confident and self-sufficient?Who can play role in doing so?

The most influential factor that plays role in low or high self-esteem is the role of parents. They make their child confident or shy; it is up to them. This is not a rocket science: they have just to adopt a few good habits.

Let them try to do from the childhood

The very first step in confidence building is to let the children do whatever they want to. Don’t stop them from doing different things like playing, running, climbing and too much talking (because those who talk more have more chance to correct their mistakes and false ideas in their mind.). Always be near them to keep an eye but don’t intervene.

Early exploratory activities enable all children to develop motor skills that are essentially available from ages 7 to 10.

Always Praise your children

A good thing to do is to praise your children for their efforts. Always try to tell them and others in front of them- their good qualities. Make them feel that he is the best. Never ever abuse or insult your children in front of others; this is a factor that plays a great role in his low confidence.Always appreciate their effort; no matter if they win or lose.

Help them build confidence by tackling manageable challenges

The other thing you should do is not to always solve every problem your children face. It seems quite funny but it is a fact that when you let your children tackle the problem;they gains confidence if they succeed in solving it themselves. Don’t make your children pampered one. At first, he/she may feel difficulty but after that he/she might become confident that he/she can deal with every problem.

Let him/her make decisions

It is very important one. Let your children take their own small decisions like color of their bag, their shoes, their clothes etc. Don’t impose your decisions on them. At first it may be that the decision taken by them is wrong but the next time they will make a better decision.

Fantasize about the future

Tell your child about his future that he would be a great and prosperous one in the near future. Let him know the importance of his attitude towards his future. He/she will be in future what he/she wants to be.

“We can do what we want to.”

-Ali Malik

Stop controlling and start coaching

Yeah, don’t control your children; just coach them. Give them your time and attention. They need your love and care. Don’t always be so critical and commandant. For example; don’t always ask them to study, just show them the two pictures — positive and negative. Tell them what will they be if they work and study hard and what will they be like if they just waste their time in useless activities. Be friendly with them and make them feel like they are everything for you.

Do you know that 87% of those who have been bullied felt it had a negative effect on their self-esteem.


By setting your children up to succeed, giving them your time and attention, letting them solve their problems and make decisions and coaching them you can help them grow up with feeling good about themselves and the other people around them.

